Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Down Time

So, I'm not perfect. Just so you know. I was NOT ready and rarin' to go yesterday. I woke up with the full intention of having a full day of work ahead of me, but when I sat down at my computer and started to research my eyes were just swimming all over the page, glossing over words, and I just couldn't focus on anything at all! I felt like crap, quite frankly. Not to get into the details, it was a bad time of the month for me and I gave up and ended up laying in bed for a long time, just sort of zoned out and curled up in a little ball. It dosn't help that I was very hormonaly unbalanced and had been watching sad movies on AMC the night before (the end of "Awakenings" and "Mr. Holland's Opus"). I cried like a baby. Yeah, something was messed up inside me and my body was just not cooperating with my plan of action.

So I gave myself most of the day off. I felt a little guilty, but I tried my best. If I tried my best I shouldn't feel guilty about it, right? We have to remember to be good to ourselves. Sometimes our bodies need extra care and it is OK to stop, rest, and regroup.

I often find myself getting caught up in my idea of what I should have been able to accomplish, could have done, where I should be now. I get frustrated when I am NOT there! Why am I not there yet? I get mad, frustrated, guilty. NOT good feelings to have in you. Remember to be good to yourself, forgive the weaknesses of the human body, and the mind. No one is "perfect", if you consider "perfect" as some sort of universal ideal outside of the context of yourself. There is no such thing. We make our reality every day, and the only ideal you can strive for is doing the best you can do. Every mistake is a learning experience, if you fall a little short of your expectations or goals, it gives you a realistic view of what you can accomplish in any given time. You can try harder or adjust your goals. Just do your best, every day, and you have no need to look back on the day with regret or guilt.

Figure out what your best is and do it every day, and that, my friends, is the best you can do. The goal doesn't matter, just put your head down and do your absolute best! You'll be there when you get there, and not a moment sooner. So why worry about it?

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